"Each couple has something unique and this is what makes the difference"

Your love story, the places you love,the meaning of your name, the features that distinguish you are just some of the details that inspire us to make your exclusive and personal wedding.



My name is Laura, and what do I do to be happy? Dream! My work gives me the possibility to dream every day. I am a wedding planner

"To those who believe in dreams, you need just a step to reach the stars." (Antonio Aschirolo)

I have a degree in literature and philosophy and I live in a beautiful island of the Mediterranean: Sicily. I love drinking tea; one of my greatest passions is my island, but also traveling, working with clay, I create unique ceramic pieces and reading. I love the oriental culture, I discovered it organizing events in Tunisia and thanks to many trips to Turkey: the scents of spices, the paintings of the ceramics, the noise of the souks, the bright colors of the fabrics, the arab cushions and carpets of the welcoming lounges and the romantic atmospheres that  conquered me, from which I took inspiration for many weddings or events.

The passion for this work was born many years ago.

My adventure in the beautiful world of wedding planning and destination wedding began in 2006.

In those years I worked in the tourism industry, incoming and promotion of the territory. By chance I was contacted by a Milanese wedding planning agency who asked for my support in Sicily to find some locations to propose to a danish couple who had chosen the beautiful island as “destination wedding”. I remember that moment with great joy because the wedding planner, after our first meeting in Sicily, decided to entrust me with the entire wedding organization. that experience was so exciting and I understood what I was going to do from that moment on.

After all, we know, passion is the mother of all our feelings; also of the love I have for my job.


I chose to call my agency Fiocchidiriso because I want to be an integral part of wedding, rice has always been considered  symbol of abundance and prosperity and throwing it on the newlyweds is equivalent to wish them a future full of happiness. I built my experience marriage after marriage, I met many fantastic couples, I understood that this work is an extraordinary experience in which the desire to do, commitment, attention, perseverance, study , passion and desire to create unique and incredible projects must be always present. Each story is personal, exciting and I understand something about myself by sharing the feelings with the newlywed. Do what you love and love what you do ... well, I will never stop dreaming, looking for, planning, creating and being a good friend for all the brides and grooms to be. It's part of me! It does not matter how big or small the wedding you dream is, because it is tells your love story, in a unique, authentic way even in the smalles detail.

Big dreams are built with the mind and imagined with the heart.

 "What is done in love, is done well. "- Vincent Van Gogh


Nothing is real but dreams and love

"Anna de Noailles"


Say "Yes I do" to your perfect day.Together forever begins here!
